Kristin Graziano


Electing An Out and Proud Sheriff in the Deep South

Kristin Graziano took on the incumbent, thirty year Republican Sheriff in the Deep South. She defied expectations, becoming the first woman and first openly gay sheriff in South Carolina history.

The Challenge: Unseating a Living Legend. Kristin Graziano’s experience suited her well for a run for Sheriff. Graziano worked for the sheriff’s office upon her arrival in Charleston County in 2002. She served in varying roles in the county’s anti-terrorism taskforce and marine patrol, and as a school resource officer.

But when Kristin Graziano decided to take on incumbent Republican Al Cannon, the race looked like a long shot. Cannon had been the Charleston County (SC) Sheriff since 1988, and was a living legend in the county. Cannon also was not going to take Graziano’s potential challenge lightly. In March, Graziano was effectively fired when higher-ups caught wind of her potential challenge.


Our Solution: Cross-Platform Ads Within 24 Hours. In September, the campaign called Foundation Blue Media needing urgent help with digital placement and targeting, and we came to the rescue. Within 24 hours, Foundation Blue had targeted digital–video and static ads–in front of key targeted voters to help move the needle. And with Foundation Blue Media’s unique reporting tool, the campaign could see what adjustments to make in messaging and in targeting.


The Result: A Four-Point Win. Foundation Blue Media’s quick and decisive action on behalf of the campaign helped Graziano to a 52% / 48% victory.

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